“Wellness is a state of harmony between the mind, body, and the emotional states that intersect.”
My story starts at Boston College, where my creativity was first cultivated from the many philosophical conversations had with my Jesuit professors. I graduated with honors in Biology and History. From there, I continued my training at UC Santa Barbara, and owe a deep interdisciplinary understanding of science to the 10+ classes that I was entrusted to teach along the way. It brought to the forefront an appreciation for communication, and for the first time, earmarked my calling for medicine. I received a Masters in Molecular Biology with high honors prior to embarking upon medical school, back to the east coast, at the State University of New York, in Syracuse.
I absolutely adored medical school. For me, it was a time to string together decades of curiosity. I was the guy in the coffee shop fist-pumping to each aha! moment; picture the Jersey Shore meets the Big Bang Theory. After years of learning the art of medicine I began to see the “code” underpinning it all, and it was this thirst for academia that ultimately led me into Internal Medicine.
“To appreciate health, you truly have to understand disease”
Residency sparked my interest in preventative care, but even more so, ignited my passion for health & fitness. I’ve always had a love for sports, exercise science, and nutrition, but weaving this into classic internal medicine soon became my niche. It was during this time that I completed my personal training certification from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and collaborated with UC San Francisco Human Performance Institute to teach Exercise Physiology to Internists in the Bay area. I completed my residency at Kaiser San Francisco in 2015 and received my board certification by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) shortly thereafter.
Since then, I’ve had a magical time redefining primary care. I’ve been a keynote speaker at the Expo for Successful Aging, given podcasts on dietary fads, and currently seek to balance my training in western medicine with advanced training in the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M). I am one of only a handful of members of A4M on the entire central coast.
I’ve seen the good, bad, and ugly in the medical field, but have never lost sight of the power of being present. In a discipline classically defined by linearity and anonymity, I’m beyond excited to be working with patients that just simply. Seek. More.